In [1]:
%reset -f
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import pandas as pd
from QNEM.inference import QNEM
from QNEM.simulation import CensoredGeomMixtureRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit
from lifelines.utils import concordance_index as c_index_score
from time import time
from matplotlib import rc
rc('text', usetex=True)
In [2]:
## Choose parameters ##
n_samples = 1000 # number of patients
n_features = 100 # number of features
n_active_features = 30 # number of active features
K = 1. # value of the active coefficients
gap = .1 # gap value to create high/low risk groups
rho = 0.5 # coefficient of the toeplitz correlation matrix
r_cf = .5 # confusion factors rate
r_c = 0.5 # censoring rate
pi0 = 0.75 # proportion of desired low risk patients rate
p0 = .01 # geometric parameter for low risk patients
p1 = 0.5 # geometric parameter for high risk patients
verbose = True # verbose mode to detail or not ongoing tasks
simu = CensoredGeomMixtureRegression(verbose, n_samples, n_features,
n_active_features, K, rho, pi0,
gap, r_c, r_cf, p0, p1)
X, Y, delta = simu.simulate()
In [3]:
## Assign index for each feature ##
features_names = range(X.shape[1])
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
## Split data into training and test sets ##
test_size = .3 # proportion of data used for testing
rs = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=test_size, random_state=0)
for train_index, test_index in rs.split(X):
X_test = X[test_index]
delta_test = delta[test_index]
Y_test = Y[test_index]
X = X[train_index]
Y = Y[train_index]
delta = delta[train_index]
print("%d%% for training, %d%% for testing."
% ((1 - test_size) * 100, test_size * 100))
In [4]:
## Choose parameters ##
tol = 1e-6 # tolerance for the convergence stopping criterion
eta = 0.3 # parameter controlling the trade-off between l1
# and l2 regularization in the elasticNet
fit_intercept = True # whether or not an intercept term is fitted
gamma_chosen = '1se' # way to select l_elasticNet_chosen: '1se' or 'min'
warm_start = True # at each L-BGFS-B iteration, reset beta to 0 or take
# the previous value
grid_size = 30 # grid size for the cross validation procedure
metric = 'C-index' # cross-validation metric: 'log_lik' or 'C-index'
verbose = True
## Choose between C-mix or CURE model ##
model = "C-mix" # "C-mix", "CURE"
if verbose:
print("\nLaunching %s...\n" % model)
learner = QNEM(l_elastic_net=0., eta=eta, max_iter=100, tol=tol,
warm_start=warm_start, verbose=verbose, model=model,
learner.n_features = n_features
## Cross-validation ##
learner.cross_validate(X, Y, delta, n_folds=5, verbose=False, eta=eta,
grid_size=grid_size, metric=metric)
avg_scores = learner.scores.mean(axis=1)
l_elastic_net_best = learner.l_elastic_net_best
if gamma_chosen == '1se':
l_elastic_net_chosen = learner.l_elastic_net_chosen
if gamma_chosen == 'min':
l_elastic_net_chosen = l_elastic_net_best
grid_elastic_net = learner.grid_elastic_net # get the cross-validation grid
# to plot learning curves
## Run selected model with l_elasticNet_chosen ##
learner = QNEM(l_elastic_net=l_elastic_net_chosen, eta=eta, tol=tol,
warm_start=warm_start, verbose=verbose, model=model,
learner.n_features = n_features, Y, delta)
In [5]:
## Obtain the marker vector on test set ##
coeffs = learner.coeffs
marker = QNEM.predict_proba(X_test, fit_intercept, coeffs)
c_index = c_index_score(Y_test, delta_test, marker)
c_index = max(c_index, 1 - c_index)
print("Done predicting on test set.")
print("C-index : %.2f" % c_index)
In [6]:
## Display learning curves ##
score_test = []
for idx_elastic_net, l_elastic_net in enumerate(grid_elastic_net):
learner_ = QNEM(verbose=False, l_elastic_net=l_elastic_net,
eta=eta, warm_start=warm_start, tol=tol, model=model,
learner_.n_features = n_features, Y, delta)
if metric == 'log_lik':
pc_ = 1. / np.mean(T[delta == 0])
score_ = learner_._log_lik(X_test, Y_test, delta_test)
if metric == 'C-index':
marker_ = QNEM.predict_proba(X_test, fit_intercept, learner_.coeffs)
score_ = c_index_score(Y_test, marker_, delta_test)
fig = pl.figure(figsize = (10, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(grid_elastic_net, avg_scores, '-b', label=metric + ' on test (CV)')
ax.plot(grid_elastic_net, score_test, '-r', label=metric + ' on validation')
y_min, y_max = ax.get_ylim()
ax.set_ylim([y_min, y_max])
ax.plot(l_elastic_net_best, y_min, 'g^', ms=20, label='best $\gamma$ CV')
ax.plot(l_elastic_net_chosen, y_min, 'r^', ms=20, label='$\gamma$ chosen')
pl.title("Learning curves %s" % model, fontsize=20)
pl.xlabel('$\gamma$', fontsize=20)
pl.ylabel(metric, fontsize=20)
pl.xticks(fontsize = 18)
pl.yticks(fontsize = 18)
pl.legend(numpoints=1, markerscale=.5, fontsize=20)
In [7]:
pl.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
pl.title("Objective convergence %s" % model, fontsize=20)
pl.xlabel('QNEM iterations', fontsize=20)
pl.ylabel('Objective', fontsize=20)
pl.xticks(fontsize = 18)
pl.yticks(fontsize = 18)
pl.plot(learner.get_history("n_iter"), learner.get_history("obj"), '-b')
In [8]:
## True beta ##
beta = np.zeros(n_features)
beta[0:n_active_features] = K
fig = pl.figure(figsize=(15, 4))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.stem(beta, linefmt='b-', markerfmt='bo')
ax1.set_xlim([-5, len(beta) + 5])
ax1.set_title(r"$\beta$", fontsize=20)
pl.xticks(fontsize = 18)
pl.yticks(fontsize = 18)
## Beta estimate ##
if fit_intercept:
coeffs = -coeffs[1:]
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.stem(coeffs, linefmt='b-', markerfmt='bo')
cf_end = n_active_features + int((n_features-n_active_features) * r_cf)
coeffs_cf = coeffs[n_active_features:cf_end]
coeffs_cf = np.append(np.repeat([np.nan], n_active_features), coeffs_cf)
ax2.stem(coeffs_cf, linefmt='m-', markerfmt='mo', label='confusion factors')
ax2.set_xlim([-5, len(coeffs) + 5])
ax2.set_title(r"$\hat \beta$ %s" % model, fontsize=20)
pl.xticks(fontsize = 18)
pl.yticks(fontsize = 18)
In [ ]: